Progressive Theology ... a Christian alternative to the religious right RSSedited by Tod O. L. Mundo
Brief thoughts on current events and other topics

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

What's the point of having a blog if you don't promote your own book?
Introducing Christianity (Routledge World Religions series)
or buy Christianity: The ebook (same text, more illustrations).

Is America over? It's a kind of paranoia, but it's the paranoia of the superrich and the superpowerful. If you don't have everything, it's a disaster.

Noam Chomsky


1. global justice over nationalism

2. respect for people of other faiths and backgrounds

3. support for the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

4. religious liberty

5. recognition of structural sin

6. preferential option for the poor

7. rejection of capital punishment

8. compatibility of theology and science more

Current and Recent Essays and other Features

14 March 2013, Habemus Papam: Thoughts on the New Pope

2 March 2013, Who Mourns for the "Others"? - update for 2013

19 November 2011, BREAKING NEWS: James O'Keefe a Secret Mole of the Left!

19 May 2011, Court Watch: Supreme Court Guts Fourth Amendment

17 November 2010, Flying the REALLY Friendly Skies, and other thoughts on keeping America safe: An interview with TSA Director John Pistole

28 March 2010, Which Jesus Do You Want? A sermon for Holy Week

19 January 2010, Guns for Jesus

15 August 2009, Water in the Desert - *** 3 September 2010 update ***

28 April 2009, Supreme Court Term Limits: A Proposal

28 April 2009, Sixty in the Senate

24 April 2009, Torture Is a Crime that Must Be Prosecuted

16 April 2009, PT Interview with George Will

4 January 2009, Murder, Plain and Simple

5 November 2008, What Does Barack Obama's Victory Mean?

20 March 2008, Militias or Private Arsenals--What Does the Second Amendment Mean?

19 March 2008, God Damn America? Reflections on Jeremiah Wright's Critique of America, and the Response of Politicians and the Media

Previous Essays


The Tiger, Alas

Butterfly Epiphany

Poetics of Peace (Lon A. Rycraft)


Church Member

Live through me, love through me

A Neanderthal grossly misinterprets the meaning of Mars' proximity to Earth over 50,000 years ago

War Economy

I've seen the Grand Canyon

God's Haiku on Iraq

The Saturday Night Theologian

Exegesis of Word and World, based on readings from the Revised Common Lectionary

The Saturday Night Theologian is on hiatus until October.

Progressive Theology is a blog that offers comments and musings on theology, politics, and more. It includes serious articles, satire, humor, poetry, interviews with famous people (living or dead), etc.

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Contact Us

Tod O. L. Mundo is the nom de plume of James R. Adair, Director of the Religion and Technology Center.